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Play Sonny 2 HTML5 Game Instruction

Sonny 2

Sonny is designed for cunning and creativity with an emphasis on strategy and difficulty as the game develops. With stunning artwork by Jet Kimchrea and some enchanting original spots by David Orr.

Sonny leveled up after gaining enough experience. Each level grants Sonny’s ability points and attribute points, which can be used to trigger upgrades.

Ability points are used to unlock or improve Possibilities, based on Sonny’s class. The ability is used for powerful attacks, healing or to temporarily improve / reduce the Character Properties.

How to play the game Sonny 2

Most of the world seems to be flooded with zombies, which is probably why ZPCI (Zombie Pest Control Incorporated) was founded. ZPCI is the main antagonist of the series; they will not stop at business, killing everyone involved in any research designed to find a cure.

Sonny leveled up after gaining enough experience. Each level grants Sonny’s ability points and attribute points, which can be used to trigger upgrades.

Ability points are used to unlock or improve Possibilities, based on Sonny’s class. The ability is used for powerful attacks, healing or to temporarily improve / reduce the Character Properties.