Duck Life 6 is the sequel to the fantastic Duck Life training franchise. As a champion of Duck Racing on Earth, your crown has been stolen by aliens so you decide to travel into space. To reclaim your prize and look for bigger leagues and challenges! Before you start, you can customize your duck and choose its color, eyes and paint scheme. , you have to train your ducks in a variety of specializations to improve their stats.

The more you practice, the faster and faster your duck will be! You also have to remember to feed ducks regularly to keep their stamina and energy full. Once you’ve trained your duck enough, you can join tournaments – you can go to 6 different planets – Earth, Moon, Mars, Hell, Freez and Pyro. Each planet presents a different set of challenges. Can you train your duck to become the champion of the universe?

The Duck Life game series is back with a sixth episode called Space. This time, the famous duck hero will fight aliens, who stole his championship crown. You will have to do some training before you can challenge some real competition though. There are five types of skills that your duck can practice: swimming, running. Fly, jump and climb. Play mini-games, collect coins along the way and use them to buy new characters to upgrade your team. Can you help your duckling in his epic adventure around space, defeat the evil thieves and regain the crown?